Time Management Disposition in Learning Motivation and Academic Performance of Lacquer Art Majors in Fujian, China

This paper explores the effect of time management disposition on learning motive and achievement. The objective is to solve students’ widespread issue of inadequate time management skills. A comprehensive literature review informs the research, and a solid conceptual framework has been established to examine the interrelated structures. This study explored the intermediate role of time-managing disposition about study motive and achievement. Time management disposition is assumed to have a significantly positive relationship with learning motivation and academic achievement. Those who manage their time well are likelier to do well in their studies. This disposition mediates the positive effect of learning motivation on academic achievement. This study adds to the current body of knowledge by providing insight into the complex interaction of learning motives, time management patterns, and academic achievements. Recognizing the importance of fostering practical time management skills alongside enhancing motivation is crucial for educational institutions and policymakers aiming to improve student success. The results are meaningful for teachers and students, stressing that developing incentives and time-management skills is vital to optimize their learning outcomes.

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